Apple Core (CPU Tester)


Apple Core V.1.00 is an easy to use 6502 & 65C02 CPU test tool for Apple II computers or better. The software performs 44 tests on the 6502 CPU and 21 tests on the 65C02 CPU.

6502 Tests include: Branches, Stack operations, Logical operations, Jumps and returns, No operation, Interrupts, Flag operations, Register operations, Load and store operations, Compare operations, Shift operations, Increment and decrement, Binary addition and subtraction, and Decimal mode BCD-operations.

65C02 Tests Include: Branches, Stack operations, Flag tests, Bit operations, Former "illegal" 6502 opcodes, Jump indirect bugfix crossing page boundaries, Jump indexed indirect, Break clears decimal mode, Accumulator increment & decrement, Load & store accumulator, Store zero to memory location, Compare operation indexed zero page, Logical instructions indexed zero page, and Binary addition and subtraction zero page.

  • Physical 3.5" or 5.25" floppy (or both) (new old stock) with handmade disk sleeve and uniquely designed disk label in a retro ZipLoc bag.

  • Color printed manual with detailed instructions on how to use the tool as well as a more detailed description of each of the 44 6502 (+21 65C02) test cases.

  • Digital versions of the tool, PDF-files of manual, disk sleeve and disk label.

  • Free 8-Bit-Shack sticker

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Apple Core V.1.00 is an easy to use 6502 & 65C02 CPU test tool for Apple II computers or better. The software performs 44 tests on the 6502 CPU and 21 tests on the 65C02 CPU.

6502 Tests include: Branches, Stack operations, Logical operations, Jumps and returns, No operation, Interrupts, Flag operations, Register operations, Load and store operations, Compare operations, Shift operations, Increment and decrement, Binary addition and subtraction, and Decimal mode BCD-operations.

65C02 Tests Include: Branches, Stack operations, Flag tests, Bit operations, Former "illegal" 6502 opcodes, Jump indirect bugfix crossing page boundaries, Jump indexed indirect, Break clears decimal mode, Accumulator increment & decrement, Load & store accumulator, Store zero to memory location, Compare operation indexed zero page, Logical instructions indexed zero page, and Binary addition and subtraction zero page.

  • Physical 3.5" or 5.25" floppy (or both) (new old stock) with handmade disk sleeve and uniquely designed disk label in a retro ZipLoc bag.

  • Color printed manual with detailed instructions on how to use the tool as well as a more detailed description of each of the 44 6502 (+21 65C02) test cases.

  • Digital versions of the tool, PDF-files of manual, disk sleeve and disk label.

  • Free 8-Bit-Shack sticker

Apple Core V.1.00 is an easy to use 6502 & 65C02 CPU test tool for Apple II computers or better. The software performs 44 tests on the 6502 CPU and 21 tests on the 65C02 CPU.

6502 Tests include: Branches, Stack operations, Logical operations, Jumps and returns, No operation, Interrupts, Flag operations, Register operations, Load and store operations, Compare operations, Shift operations, Increment and decrement, Binary addition and subtraction, and Decimal mode BCD-operations.

65C02 Tests Include: Branches, Stack operations, Flag tests, Bit operations, Former "illegal" 6502 opcodes, Jump indirect bugfix crossing page boundaries, Jump indexed indirect, Break clears decimal mode, Accumulator increment & decrement, Load & store accumulator, Store zero to memory location, Compare operation indexed zero page, Logical instructions indexed zero page, and Binary addition and subtraction zero page.

  • Physical 3.5" or 5.25" floppy (or both) (new old stock) with handmade disk sleeve and uniquely designed disk label in a retro ZipLoc bag.

  • Color printed manual with detailed instructions on how to use the tool as well as a more detailed description of each of the 44 6502 (+21 65C02) test cases.

  • Digital versions of the tool, PDF-files of manual, disk sleeve and disk label.

  • Free 8-Bit-Shack sticker

On machines without AppleSoft Basic in ROM or less than 64 kB of RAM only the special 48 kB version is working! Please order the 48 kB version as a physical copy if you want to run it on these types of machines. Please note that with Integer Basic the HELLO program does not work since it is AppleSoft Basic. You need to BLOAD and CALL the tool from the Basic prompt.

Users with an Integer Basic machine need to use the DSK-image with the 48 kB version which tries to boot an AppleSoft file and will fail with LANGUAGE NOT AVAILABLE error. It is necessary to BLOAD TEST6502,A$1E00 and do a CALL 8192 from the Integer Basic prompt.