Angry Birds for the Apple II
The game can be run from directly from 5.25” floppy, from a disk image on compatible emulators, or modern floppy emulators on original computers. Once the game loads and the menu appears, the disk is not required for game play and is only needed when you quit the game back to the menu, where any high scores that are achieved are written back to the disk.
System Requirements
Apple //e, //c, //c+ or //gs
65C02 CPU
128k RAM
Optional: Mockingboard (game soundtrack will play if available)
During the game loading process, requirements are checked, and a message will appear if they are not met. Please ensure requirements are met and restart the computer.
Thank you for supporting this software project! We hope you enjoy our game! However, if you do run into any problems or issues playing the game, please reach out and let us know!
The game play consists of three different phases:
Slingshot: Using the joystick, you aim the bird that is in the sling (up and down) and adjust the amount of power in the sling used to throw the bird (left and right).
Flight: The birds flight path from the sling to the target is shown. This is where you figure out if you need more or less power and how to adjust the aim.
Target: This where you see if you hit the target, if the level objective was achieved and how many points were awarded.
Key | Action |
Q | Quit the game before finishing and drops you back to the menu. |
B | Cycles through each of the birds (yellow, red, blue), for which you still have a bird to launch. If a bird quantity is zero, that bird is skipped when you press “B”. |
T | Scroll the screen to the right to show the target. Press any key or button to go back to the sling. |
S | Toggle the theme music (only available when a Mockingboard is present). Note: The music will resume if you return to the menu. |
R | Replay the current level. If a shot is missed and one wants to try again. This can be used to cheat, but be warned that if a level is replayed, all current level points will be reset to zero. |
L | Advance to the next level. You can skip the current level and move to the next one, but you will lose out on any points for that level. |
J | Go back a level. All points will be lost for the current level and the level that was restored. |
Known Limitations
The game runs nicely on original hardware in standard configurations as well as in emulators. A 65C02 and 128k RAM is required,and an optional Mockingboard for the theme soundtrack to be heard. The game was design for use with a color monitor, as monochrome video will not show the bird color and other color visual aspects cannot be enjoyed.
Problems have been reported when using a FastChip on an Apple //e which can lead to a system crash when the background music is playing in the menu and game section. Be sure to switch the FastChip to normal mode using the white switch when playing the game.
Using an UltraWarp can also lead to problems. Please switch off the accelerator. Problems have also been reported when using an UltraWarp system with a CFFA3000 with abnormal game engine behavior.
You can play the game without problems using a TWGS on a IIgs (and a CFFA3000). If you select high speed the game will be accelerated accordingly.
Problems with floppy emulators have not yet been reported. However, we suggest you play the game on a standard system for best experience.
A joystick is required for game play. There are method of controlling game play with the keyboard. The keys listed above are the only supported keyboard commands.
There is no mouse support.